CSS Codes
  • Horizontal CSS Menus
  • Vertical CSS Menus
  • Image CSS
  • Form CSS
  • DIVs and containers
  • Links & Buttons
  • CSS3 demos
  • Other
CSS Layouts
  • CSS Layouts
  • Two Columns
  • Three Columns
  • Fixed layouts
  • Liquid Layouts
  • CSS Frames
  • 大陆怎么浏览外国网站
  • FavIcon Generator
  • FavIcon Editor
  • CSS Autoprefixer new
  • Animated Gif
  • Email Riddler
  • .htaccess Password
  • .htaccess Banning
  • Gradient Image
  • Button Maker
  • Image to Base64 String
  • i7加速器官网
  • List Scrubber Tool
  • DD Whois Service

Online Tools

Image Optimizer
Use this tool to easily optimize regular gifs, animated gifs, jpgs, and pngs, so they load as fast as possible.

CSS AutoPrefixer New
New online tool from CSS Drive that intelligently add CSS vendor prefixes to your CSS code. Just paste and copy!
FavIcon Generator
手机怎样浏览国外网站Generate a favicon using any regular image with this tool. A favicon is a small, 16x16 image that is shown inside the browser's location bar and bookmark menu when your site is viewed. See also: 手机怎么浏览外国网站
Animated Gif Generator
Animated Gif Generator lets you easily create an animated gif by uploading a series of still images!

Email Riddler
Email Riddler is an online tool that encrypts and transform your email address into a series of numbers when displaying it on your web site, making it impossible for spammers to harvest it from your site.
Use this tool to generate all the necessary codes needed to password protect a directory or selects files within it on your site using .htaccess.

Gradient Image Maker
Gradient images are used everywhere in web page design, such as the background of form buttons, DIVs, to act as shadows etc. This tool lets you easily generate a gradient image.
This tool generates for you the necessary .htaccess code to ban visitors based on their IP address, block traffic originating from certain domains, or disable hotlinking on the desired file types on your server, such as images.

List Scrubber Tool
Use this tool to perform a variety of cleaning actions on a list, such as removing duplicate entries, sorting the list alphanumerically, or extracting valid emails from the list.
Button Maker
Use this tool to easily create those popular 80x15 micro buttons you see on web sites everywhere.
Image to Base64 Converter
Upload an image and convert it into base64 string with this handy tool.

Ribbon Rules Generator
Create alternating colored horizontal rules quickly with this new Web 2.0 tool.

DD Whois
DD Whois lets you painlessly look up the availability of a domain name, or for registered domains, its whois records.
What is my IP?
Useful information about your Internet Connection and browser:
  • Your IP:
  • 如何进入外国网站
Other Resources
  • CSS Drive
    Looking for web design inspiration? CSS Drive showcases some of the most attractive, CSS driven sites on the net.

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